Hello Everyone! Just to let everyone know Local Scraper and the Trial have both been updated today. I went though and ran test scrapes on all scrapers to confirm data and make sure the formatting was all correct. If you run into any issues using the program make sure to drop me an email using […]
Read MoreLocal Scraper has just been updated. This version has a new way of keeping to the ‘Max Listings’ set by users. Originally we would calculate by each page if you had past your max listings. With the new version the scraper will still collect 3 pages of listings at minimum but during stage 2 of […]
Read MoreI originally thought it would be great to post updates to the blog of the full change logs for the programs but I often end up updating the program twice a week or more with little fixes and user requests. So I have been super lazy with posting updates that are just going to say […]
Read MoreHello Local Scraper Users! Local Scraper has been updated once again so here is whats new. Fixed Yellow Pages AU Scraper. Due to new anti scraper protections Yellow AU has to use Google Chrome. Any scrape you do on their site will default to Google Chrome so make sure you have it installed. Because of […]
Read MoreLocal Scraper has been updated! Below is what has changed. Google Maps Scraper has been updated since Google now gives 20 results per page instead of 10. Also with this change we are able to use our hidden PhantomJS browser like we did before. So the program will now default to PhantomJS when using Google Quick and […]
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