Recent Change Logs / Updates
I originally thought it would be great to post updates to the blog of the full change logs for the programs but I often end up updating the program twice a week or more with little fixes and user requests. So I have been super lazy with posting updates that are just going to say something really minor. So I am going to keep blog posts like this only for more major updates or at least a rolling update where its been awhile.
Local Scraper 4.196 – Updated August 18th 2016
Since the last post there have been many minor fixes and plugin updates to the program. This has been pretty normal stuff. The one major thing that has been added was from a user request and that is that Yellow Pages Scraper and Yellow CA now get TripAdvisor review numbers and ratings. Yellow Pages added this info to their listing pages so we have added it to the scraper. Another thing is that Captcha Solving is no longer part of the program. We added it months ago when Yelp stepped up their security but things have calmed down now and none of our scrapers really require it.
Manta Scraper 2.737 – Updated August 17th 2016
The manta scraper is always updated and usually also gets quite a few updates. The most recent updated added captcha solving back to the scraper and proxy skipping for blocked pages. Right now Manta has two types of security pages. The one asks you to solve a captcha to continue. The program will solve these captcha’s and continue scraping. The second is a blocked page that asks you to fill out 3 fields of data to request your ip be unblocked. The program ignores these pages and removes that proxy from your list. We do not attempt to request these proxies get unblocked. The best you can do is buy enough proxies that you hope you won’t run into these pages.
Wedding Wire 2.11 – Updated August 10th 2016
General updates to keep the scraper working as it should. Changes at the site broke the data we scraped so the scraper was updated to work again.
These are just some of the recent updates and changes. If a program wasn’t mentioned here it does not mean that’s its broken or dead. Everything I sell is kept up to date and if any user reports a problem or feature request they are fixed/added as soon as possible.